Are you overwhelmed and underprepared?
Feeling confused or even guilty? Concerned that you could miss something? Don’t have all the answers?
Stop, Breathe and Browse these pages for insights and information on navigating the healthcare journey for yourself or your loved one.

Most of us are, were or will be a caregiver. This fact does not make it easier but this book will help you understand how to put care plans in place, guide you to health care options, equip you to potentially prevent healthcare errors, and help you access the peace of mind you need.
“From Crisis to Calm” provides caregivers with a roadmap to help them plan ahead, and to guide them through the challenges of caring for a loved one. Packed with common scenarios, statistics, lists, tips and worksheets, this book will help you go from crisis to calm when a loved one needs help.
Caregiving is a journey that can be both beautiful and frustrating (sometimes at the same time). The truth is it is devastating seeing someone you love sick, hurt or facing declining health. Care Coordination and patient advocacy is the guidance you need for the journey. Read and discover how to bring calm into your caregiving journey.

About the Author
Nicole Christensen founded Care Answered, a Healthcare Coordination and Patient Advocacy consulting firm, in 2014. A native Long Islander who has lived and worked in both Nassau and Suffolk Counties, as well as NYC, she has more than 15 years’ experience in advocacy for older adults. Christensen earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Baruch College and a Master of Science degree in Urban Affairs from Hunter College. Her career includes serving as Advocacy Director at Emmaus Service for the Aging in Washington DC; Advocacy Consultant for LiveOn NY; and Director of Food Access at FoodChange, spearheading the focused outreach and advocacy campaign. As the Vice President of Programs and Agency Relations at Island Harvest, she developed and launched the first senior citizen mobile outreach and advocacy program.
In addition to her professional experience, Christensen has had the personal challenge of securing the best possible care for her own family and thus truly understands how overwhelming and daunting it can seem. Care Answered was developed as a solution; advocating for one’s best care and giving caregivers peace of mind.